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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Second Semester Reflection

Link to First Semester Reflection

World Lit.

I will start with the worst. In the first time is several years I had students refuse to watch/read Seven Samurai because it was a black & white movie. Some of them insisted that it was a “silent” movie without any dialogue. It is is a hard movie to do in this school because of the forty-five minute class periods, but it usually works because I can draw parallels between the Bushido code and the “code of the the street.” This year most of the students did not make that connection. The snow days did not help because is seemed like it took a month to watch the entire movie.

The posters that the students made to illustrate the bushido code actually worked out well. Next year I will work on getting the right balance of stopping to explain and letting the kids enjoy. I might try pre-loading a little more and put it in writing for students that don’t get to class when we do all of the early work.

I ended up with a weird amount of time at the end of the semester which was not enough time to do a full PBL. I modified my creation story unit, but did not give it a full effort. It would have made more sense to do this with the hero unit and keep all of the mythology together, but because of the change in sequence do to class name changes everything was a little bit of a mess.

Both units need to be kept, but the order needs to be rearranged, and the calendar needs to be better organized.

Lit. & Comp

I used this class for the poetry unit, and because we had to rearrange all of the schedule I did not have nearly many students participating in the writing and recording poetry for our spoken word recordings. Only eight students went to the recording studio and as of today the second to the last day of school, only one student has turned in a video.

I was really hoping for a huge improvement this year, but this was definitely a step back. I do think some of this had to do with the students, but somehow I need to do better job selling this.

American Lit

I move the my literacy unit into this class. We read about several Americans and how literacy affected their lives, and then the students were to write an essay about their experiences. Again turn in rates were ridiculously low. It was the only essay I required in any of my classes, yet they still refused to do it.

For the last half of the semester I started creating a new unit about conspiracy theories. I am excited to continue working on it over the summer. I originally just thought of it as a reading topic, but as I was working with the students I realized that we have done a great disservice to the students. For many years while attending tech conference students were often referred to as digital natives. This designation presumed that they came with a certain innate skill. However, just like American citizens who have to learn the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in Civics class, students need to learn how to be digital citizens. It became abundantly clear that they did not know how search engines work or how to verify information. Next year I will use conspiracies both real and imagined as a gateway to digital media literacy.


First of all I would like to talk about the good things. My unit on gun violence was recognized in St. Louis magazine. It was an exciting opportunity for the students that were interviewed. I also won an NEH grant to study southern culture and the blues over the summer. This is great news for my unit call Red, White, & The Blues.

Now for everything else. This year was a hot mess. For the first time I can remember I had students that literally turned in no work. They kept coming to class, but did absolutely nothing. I tried serous talks. I tried letting students come up with lessons. I tried jokes. I could not motivate them. It got so bad that I actually created an entire research project for myself about game design and fun in the classroom. You can read it here.

The renaming of my classes a week prior to the school year require a massive reorganization that did not go as smoothly as I liked. In prior years the Communications class was a catch all so that I would have all of the students in at least one class in which I could focus on fundamentals of writing and communication and then reference that in my other class. Now it just seem like a bunch of random ELA classes.

The elimination of the Exploratory class and the our PLC made it difficult to approach the students with a unified message. The students need to see us a a team that is here to work with them. Also the all school read and group projects helped bring the students together and gave an opportunity for teachers to learn with students.

The loss of two of our team members for specious reasons, one of which was not replaced, had a major impact as well. To be honest, I actually considered taking mental health days this year. I have never thought of it before because I like my job, but at time I felt it was pointless to be here. The students were combative often demanding credits and points instead of caring about learning. The administration is directionless as to what our goal is. Students were unaware of what this school is for or why they were enrolled in it. I am not looking forward to next year. Not only will we have a new “director” instead of a principal, but none of the issues from this year have been addressed.

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